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CEO in Software2 years ago
IT has an opportunity in this area because it can make sustainability efforts more effective for the company, both in managing and observability metrics, etc. IT can also implement change that allows for more efficient operations, as well as implement change in IT specifically, no different from marketing or sales.

Every organization has to have its own improvement objectives apart from trying to improve the broader company operations. But it's easy for the modern company to capture the majority of its impact in IT. Whether it's your own personal data centers or capacity you use from a partner data center, cloud provider, or some combination of those, a lot can be done with your global networks. Many people don't realize that networks have one of the biggest impacts on sustainability and energy use in general. So they talk about moving to the cloud only to realize that they're spending more and potentially creating more impact because of the increased network traffic.
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Director, IT in Software2 years ago

We're always pushing our teams to add value but it's hard to do that if you're just keeping the lights on. A sustainable aspect from a data center perspective is, is it really contributing to the bottom line, or the value add of the team and the organization? For some it is, but for others maybe not. 

Chief Information Technology Officer in IT Services2 years ago
The three pillars of sustainable development of economic development, social inclusion and environmental protection need IT as important enablers. IT in any forms will therefore play a very fundamental role in achieving the sustainable development. IT and green IT will also empower new generations to adopt all the major change in their way of life and help us.
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CTO in Software2 years ago
By increasing efficiencies and optimising processes, as well as enabling effective communications
CIO in Education2 years ago
Technology uses a lot of energy but there are ways to work toward reducing consumption. Following data center best practices, such as: Harness outside air cooling, automate controls for lights, unplug and remove zombie servers that are just sitting in the rack  using energy but aren’t doing any computing, move assets to the cloud  where the larger scale can allow for more efficiency and upgrade legacy systems  that  require more power and have  larger sizes with outsized heat output,
AVP and Deputy CIO in Education2 years ago
As with "everything" IT should be there to support the business line and when possible drive solutions.  We should be partnering with facilities for environmental sustainability, HR for personnel sustainability, and business line operations for productivity improvements, reduced waste and process improvement.  We should be driving economic and environmental sustainability with our own products, leveraging new technologies and looking inwards to improve our own processes.

This is a continuing conversation where IT is adding value to the business and driving improvements and efficiencies across the board.  Asking "what problem are we solving" and be the leader to deliver solutions that solve that problem.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

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Sr. Director, Enterprise Applications and IT Services6 days ago
These worked for us:

Stakeholder Engagement - Engage all relevant stakeholders early and continuously throughout the procurement process. 

Adaptible Contracting - Use contracting methods that allow for adjustments ...read more
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