Which Python frameworks do you use? And what do you use them for?

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Human Center Design Lead in Software8 months ago
I primarily use FastAPI, an advanced Python web framework, for creating high-performance, scalable web applications and APIs. FastAPI is particularly well-suited for building APIs due to its automatic generation of interactive API documentation using Swagger UI. This feature not only speeds up the development process but also simplifies API testing and interaction.

One of the key strengths of FastAPI is its support for asynchronous programming, allowing for efficient handling of large numbers of concurrent requests. This makes it an excellent choice for applications that require high throughput and low latency.

Additionally, FastAPI's built-in data validation and serialization, powered by Pydantic, streamlines the process of defining and validating data models. This leads to more robust and error-free code, as it ensures that the data conforms to predefined schemas right from the start.

FastAPI's simplicity and ease of use, combined with its performance benefits, make it my go-to choice for web development and API creation in Python.
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Director of IT in Education8 months ago

I leverage both Flask and Django in my web development projects. Flask, recognized as a micro-framework, excels in handling smaller-scale projects, providing a lightweight and flexible architecture that is well-suited for rapid development. Its simplicity and minimalistic design make it an ideal choice for applications with specific requirements and a need for quick deployment.

On the other hand, Django, a robust and feature-rich web framework, becomes my go-to choice for large-scale and complex projects. With its batteries-included philosophy, Django offers a comprehensive set of tools and conventions, streamlining the development process and promoting best practices. Its integrated ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system, admin interface, and built-in security features contribute to the efficiency and scalability of applications, making it a preferred option when dealing with extensive functionalities and data management.

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IT Manager in Construction5 days ago
I had a look and it seems available for free can be easily find European and global market but there are a bunch of company with commercial reports for UK. I will search more.
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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Strategy & Architecture
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CISO in IT Services7 days ago
look for Plaid I know I looked at them last year
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