What performance measures or metrics do you use to determine the impact of data governance and data management activities (e.g., master data management, data cataloging, business glossary, data policies, data sharing, etc.)?

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Associate Director of Data Science & Analytics in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Below is a few measure to think about...

1) Data Existence (Measure completeness of records and missing-ness by domain)

2) Accessibility (Measure number of reports pulled per month, totals users, number of new reports or views) 

2) Discoverability (Percentage of business terms in catalog or glossary) 

3) Fitness (Derive a relevancy score for each domain as pertains to your business or business processes)

4) Understandability (Validation from business users using Likert Scale)
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Director of Data Architecture in Mediaa year ago
It is massive list across these different practices. If I pick data sharing as an example :
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Subscribers per organization
Daily Executed Jobs
Tables' job frequency

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Director of Data4 days ago
In our implementation of Master Data Management (MDM), we primarily adopted a centralized approach using Microsoft Dataverse. This was key to resolving data quality and consistency issues in our Power Platform solutions, ...read more
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Director of Data4 days ago
In my opinion, Advancements in AI and related data field have significantly enhanced our Master Data Management (MDM) strategy by automating data quality, integration, and governance processes. AI algorithms help identify ...read more
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Data quality (e.g., limiting duplications)19%

Business processes and workflows (i.e. data flowing between systems)65%

Data accessibility (decreased wait times for access, access logs for auditing)12%

Regulatory compliance


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