Do you think your organization is harnessing the full potential of AI effectively to drive innovation and efficiency? Why or why not?

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Director of IT in Manufacturinga year ago
We are beginning to harness the full potential of AI to drive innovation and efficiency, but there is still room for improvement. AI is being used to optimize supply chains by forecasting demand, planning inventory, and managing transportation. This can help to reduce costs and improve customer service. However, there are still some challenges, AI models can be complex and time-consuming, AI models are complex and difficult to interpret. Despite these challenges, I believe that AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we operate. It takes time and effort to harness the full potential of AI. Don't expect to see results overnight.
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Director of Systems Operations in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

Did you have the AI resources in house or did you have to bring in outside consultants?

Director of IT in Manufacturinga year ago

We had to bring in outside consultants, not even local consultants, we search this consultants from other countries' where IA models are more evolved and proven to work

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Mission Diplomatic Technology Officer in Governmenta year ago
Yep, we are. Using Gartner a bit on this topic to get wise on use cases were we can safely adopt. However, we are also just hosting lunch an learn session and giving employees guiding rails to test AI in their work. Help us understand were the ROI is. 
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Director of Systems Operations in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

In your lunch and learn sessions are you inviting all employees or segmenting this to a small subset of divisions?

Mission Diplomatic Technology Officer in Governmenta year ago

An excellent question, and despite some resistance from a few colleagues, we opted for a radically transparent and inclusive approach. We extended invitations to anyone interested, and to our nervousness, over 80 individuals attended our the session. Prior to the meeting, we had shared some Gartner Research.

The rationale behind this initiative stemmed from the realization that neither my team nor I possessed exhaustive knowledge of the intricate details of the 35+ unique missions we support. Moreover, we acknowledged that we were not AI experts. Therefore, our primary objective was to divulge how we incorporate AI into our daily responsibilities, elucidate the policy framework that guide all of us, share a draft FAQs, and encourage others to explore AI in their mission. Easy experimentation. 

To achieve this, we organized a panel of three individuals, each sharing 1-2 examples of how AI is being used in our work. Following the event, we conducted a survey, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing the desire for another session. Thus, we have scheduled another session for November, six months after the initial one.

This time, we plan to again extend invitations to all interested parties and a few other sites in region. The panel composition will evolve, with two members from the Technology unit and one from another department. Looking ahead, we anticipate that in the next six months, the panel may consist of two champions or stakeholders from outside Technology management, possibly with just my presence as a facilitator, although we'll test this hypothesis as we move forward. Hope that helps. Again I an bit an expert in this. My trade is to ease technology adoption towards enabling others mission. 

Global Digital Workplace Sr. Director, Global Technology & Security in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
We do quite a lot right now, from introducing a concept / framework of Responsible AI, to being an early adopter of Microsoft AI capabilities like Copilot, Bing Chat Enterprise or Chat Gpt for Enterprise. At the same time there is a lot that has to be done from governance / compliance side, as well as massive employee education / awareness around AI, its potential, opportunities as well as threats. 
1 3 Replies
Director of Systems Operations in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago


I am quite surprised to hear about your organization's maturity as it relates to the framework for Responsible AI. Out of curiosity how did you approach the methodology of governance and essentially walk before you run with such an emerging technology? 

Global Digital Workplace Sr. Director, Global Technology & Security in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

Hey Rasheen

We use the draft EU AI Act as our ethical standard. Of course, country by country there will have to be local adjustments, depending on evolving AI legislation as we go. We have an entire program designed, from building a General Internal Policy that governs usage of publicly available AI with a high level controls required and awareness around AI in general (so ppl dont do stupid things with data sharing outside the company). 

Followed by a framework where we describe high level principles and guidelines for responsible AI. Then going into more granularity creating a Playbook with detailed controls and must have when using / creating AI solutions - more like step by step instructions. Then describing tools and protocols to use. 

It is a giant effort of multiple teams like Corp Comms, Legal, Data Privacy, Security, Data Science and Digital Workplace teams. All supported by GEC / Board level.  


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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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