In your opinion, what is the number one key skill/trait of a good HR leader?

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Director of HR in Education2 months ago
emotional intelligence
Director of HR in Retail2 months ago
I agree with Melissa.  Emotional intelligence is an important skill needed!
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CHRO2 months ago
It depends on the level of the leader. I'm going to cheat a little here and start with some basic skills that are point of entry for all HR leaders including communication, EI, collaboration, and consulting. As someone moves from supervisor to manager, it's important to build managerial courage; from manager to Director - business acumen and the ability to understand data. From Director to VP or CHRO - strategy and influence with all the skills building through the progression. I know that different models on HR leadership focus on different competencies, so these are based on my own experience as both a customer of HR and an HR leader.

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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 days ago
We are working on the next level of our global business strategy and I expect the leaders to indicate what type of profiles and skills they need. For me this is not an HR task only so I need our CIO for instance, to share more
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