Is there an online course/training/program that has really made a huge impact on you and your career?

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Director in Manufacturing2 years ago
Early in my career when I was a programmer I always felt typing class helped me the most. It transferred to every programming language, management of networks, and doing emails faster.

In the long run understanding business accounts and financials was more important

The answer depends a lot on where you are in your career

In the final stages of my career, public speaking class probably helps the most
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Director of IT in Educationa year ago

You advice and insights a very valuable, I can relate to them.

Chief Technology Officer in Software2 years ago
Many years ago i did a training program in David Allens Getting things done method - Whilst some concepts these days are a little outdated with the speed in which information hits me and i need to decide on it; foundationally the way i manage my workflow day in day out is based on some of these great core principles
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Co-Founder and Director in Software2 years ago
I am outlining my views on learning & knowledge building, and how they have impacted career, I hope these will help. 

It may sound like some Gyan, however, this is what I believe and have seen others doing. I just captured what I learned from others and saw it making a real impact on an individual's career. 

The continuous learning process is about 
learning skills.
Applying skills for results.
Getting experience from Applying skills.

The types of impact on a career are mainly. 
organic ( Incremental impact ) 
in-organic ( break through impact ) 

The incremental impact comes from staying focused on goals - results -objectives, desire, vision plus taking actions towards the goals. 

Breakthrough impact only comes from revisiting motivations for individual goals & careers and reflecting on those goals so that they become meaningful.

After building clarity, it is important to have a strategy to meet these goals. The strategy is like an outline. Further, we develop plans based on the strategy and then convert plans into actions. All the online courses/training or program falls into the last step of taking action. So choosing the right skill-building is the last but essential stage of the strategic planning for achieving goals. Any skills development I believe should be derived from what we want to achieve and have a plan. 

Roughly the development breaks down to: 
10-15% from the classroom training environment
30-40% from hands-on and applying it to the near-real environment
50-60% from doing a real-life project with some mentor.

So, in short, in my experience, any course/training or the program will not give any drastic impact on an individual's career. The real impact comes from setting the right goals, developing a strategy, and following an action plan. 

It is very important to have the right goal plus the belief that the goal can be achieved, strategy & plans are derived from these meaningful goals.
Director, Global Talent Management in Manufacturinga year ago
The best program I have ever been a part of and proud to call myself an alumni of is LILA (details below.)  LILA is unlike anything I have ever experienced throughout my career.  The depth and richness of learning is unsurpassed and the relationships that I have built have grown and lasted for years.

Learning Innovations Laboratory (LILA) is a consortium of leading researchers and practitioners in the field of organizational learning and change. Through creating social connections, crafting insights, and having a practical impact, LILA strives to learn more about today's challenges in the field. LILA is composed of members from three areas: organizational leaders from private, public, and non-profit sectors; faculty scholars; and Project Zero researchers and Harvard graduate students. The project hosts several annual gatherings at Harvard designed to present research and findings among LILA members, as well as to generate feedback based upon what is presented. Chair members also engage in monthly conference calls revolving around these issues.

Each year LILA opens up a small number of new member opportunities– to express interest in becoming a member,  email
CFO Advisory Partner in Softwarea year ago
I really like the materials that linked in learning now has available. 
Not technical finance or IT skills training but people based ( sometimes called “soft” skills but are really effective human skills. ) 
Increasing your EQ.

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