What has been the most effective strategy in your organizations for organizing an enterprise architecture and software team in digital transformation projects: specializing them by themes or dedicating them to the project full time as Full Stack? 

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IT Manager in Construction9 months ago
Hello, it is great question which deserves a long post to be properly addressed. 

The most effective strategy for organizing an enterprise architecture and software team in digital transformation projects involves leveraging enterprise architecture (EA) as a foundation for successful digital transformation. EA teams play a crucial role in driving organization-wide digital transformation by constantly evaluating the "current state" of the business, aligning digital technologies with existing systems, and providing a structured approach to integrating new digital technologies. This approach ensures that digital transformation initiatives are aligned with business objectives and enables the development of a portfolio management framework to plan and prioritize projects effectively. 

Therefore, dedicating teams to the project full time, with a focus on enterprise architecture, is a more effective strategy for driving successful digital transformation initiatives. The search results emphasize the importance of enterprise architecture in supporting digital transformation. 

They highlight how EA and digital transformation complement each other by fostering adequate IT infrastructure, cross-organizational data sharing, and aligning digital technologies with business priorities. Additionally, the involvement of the EA group in digitization projects leads to improved collaborations, documentation, and communication between business and IT, ultimately resulting in the ability to launch products with higher frequency and reduced complexity. Furthermore, enterprise architects are essential in PPM, ensuring that digital transformation initiatives are aligned with business objectives and properly prioritized. The search results also stress the need for the right enterprise architecture team structure to drive the culture and play a key role in realizing the digital strategy.

Please check this:

https:// kissflow.com /digital-transformation/enterprise-architecture-digital-transformation/
CTO in Healthcare and Biotech9 months ago
How about having squads as Spotify created them?

If found this description to be useful for what you need:

Each squad is designed to function like it's own mini-startup, with all of the skills needed to build a product ( Or in your case, a digital transformation project ), (design, testing, engineering, etc). Teams are self-organizing, and each squad can choose the framework that works best for them, which could be Scrum, Kanban, or whatever else that squad prefers.
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IT Manager in Construction9 months ago

Hello Roberto, 
It works if you have a strong and well structured governance of the processes with each team working on the same environment, a DevOps for example otherwise they do and see only what they are committed to.

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CTO in Healthcare and Biotech9 months ago

To have a successful digital transformation project, you must have the ability to pivot based on the project needs, that's why squads using SCRUM would benefit from this approach.

Director IT in Education9 months ago
Consider a hybrid model blending specialized teams for in-depth expertise in key areas with Full Stack capabilities for flexibility. Utilize enterprise architecture frameworks (e.g., TOGAF, Zachman), project management platforms (like Jira, Asana), and collaboration tools (such as Microsoft Teams, Slack). Implement Agile methodologies and DevOps practices to boost team agility. Regularly reassess team structures, foster knowledge sharing, and maintain clear communication channels for optimal results in digital transformation projects.
CIO9 months ago
I think the answer depends on the size and complexity of the project. For very large scale projects like ERP implementation, you may need to embed the enterprise architecture and software team dedicated to the project. However in most digital transformations, I have found that the software delivery and solution architect are embedded full time in the project but the enterprise architect get involved as required during the different phases of the project. Enterprise Architect by the nature of their roles work best when they oversee all the different programs at a high-level from a guidance, advise, consulting perspective. 
Group CIO in Energy and Utilities9 months ago
IMHO, EA and Software teaming are 2 separate concerns..

Group IT in my organization don’t do a lot of software engineering (it’s a separate team under one of the only Business Units that has software development needs)

We are still in the midst of growing the Enterprise Architecture practice to drive business value, but one of the first thing we used EA for was a crucial component of the development of an IT strategy to continually align with business strategies/goals/objectives…

We found business architecture the most challenging one given that the business units are not familiar with such a framework…

As far as Digital Transformation is concerned, we are trying to leverage Gartner’s Digital Execution Scorecard (DES) to both benchmark ourselves against industry peers as well as ascertain where the gaps are in meeting business ambitions..

In terms of software development / teaming, we are trying to promote Citizen IT and Fusion Teams (Biz + IT) - this is also Gartner’s recommendation…

At the end of the day, it depends on what your software development needs / requirements are, and your sourcing strategies - which software do you build, vs buy vs partner - those you choose to build, which do you in-house vs co-source vs outsource… there may be many more considerations..

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