Does the metaverse have any potential business viability?

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Chief Technology Officer in Software2 years ago
The metaverse absolutely has business viability. Metaverses have matured from the gaming realm and are now adopted by enterprise customers. Interestingly, we have started delivering Metaverse engagements in the regulated industries such as Healthcare and BFS. 

Fueling the growth is the shift in customer demographics to a younger audience who are always connected and are demanding personalized and immersive experiences. The metaverse does fill the gap, allowing enterprises to target the connected users with relevant services.
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vp information technology in Consumer Goods2 years ago

Chander, i would be very interested in hearing more. There are VERY strong opinions that the Metaverse has no relevance to today's business operations. What are your general use cases?

Chair and Professor, Startup CTO in Education2 years ago
I personally believe metaverse is hype. I don't think it has any potential for any business that is serious about doing what it is doing. It is a tool smart people use to rip off ordinary people. 
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CTO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Not any time in the near future. The hardware cost needs to decrease and the experience has to become more seamless. Vr needs a lot more user buyin before there’s any business case for follow on apps.
Director of IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Absolutely. There are several scenarios in which metaverses can be useful. 
On the job, hands on training can be delivered using this without a need to be on the floor. This increases the throughput of training program and reduces risks. 
Customer service can be delivered this way as well resulting in better C-Sat scores. 
Director Engineering in Manufacturing2 years ago
Metaverse don’t appeal to earlier generation of workforce as it emerged from the Gen-Z gaming apps but it has substantial potential to grow and develop when this generation becomes decision makers in15-20 years - they are no longer going to live in the conventional world of older generations including the workplace and style of working . Hence currently in nascent stage it will take five years to really develop and people getting used to it like with any technology be it mobiles or Digitization . In western advance countries people are used to it and even using for live conferences and even marriages . In India we still are very comfortable meeting F2F although after Covid era the virtual seminars have increased so this technology will also come though slowly

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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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