What makes for a great team culture?

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Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)3 years ago
It's a team and people that understand that change is constant. What was a key priority on Friday may no longer be a key priority on Monday. People themselves are going to have to adapt and adjust and work in a grey evolving area. A team that sticks to hard and fast rigid rules is highly valuable in certain circumstances, but that may not be the right team to have around depending on the scenario.
CTO in Software3 years ago
Many things and they would often depend on the circumstances. One thing, however, stands out for me and that is - Purpose! Remember, that "he who has a why, can bear almost any how."
Director of Information Security in Energy and Utilities3 years ago
Leading by example. If you lead with trust/honesty the rest of your team will pick up on this and culture will be built according to those principles. if you engage in constant politics and putting I before We the culture will be accordingly weak and the team will act accordingly (meaning you will have a bunch of mercenaries, ready to backstab each other at moments notice to gain favor with the boss). Working in first org is a far more enjoyable experience for most people.
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Director of IT in Finance (non-banking)3 years ago
Chief Techical Officer in Software3 years ago
The team!

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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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