Any low code/no code, free or inexpensive solutions for executive dashboards and reporting? Specifically for Windows Updates and other reporting metrics and SLAs specific to IT Security? WSUS and Tenable reports are insufficient in providing updates and risk reporting granularity.

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VP of Information Security in Finance (non-banking)4 months ago
We are building a single dashboard via PowerBI. We includes data from our Tenable as well as our exception. The dashboard also includes sending reminder features for open vulnerabilities which we set for every 30 days, 15 days, 10 days, 5 days and 3 days. We started it small and then we further expand the dashboard.
Director of IT in IT Services4 months ago
Personally, I used Microsoft Power BI. It is Powerful data visualization capabilities. There's a free version (Power BI Desktop) available which is quite robust for individual use. The Pro version, which includes more collaboration features and greater data capacity, comes at a subscription cost. It can connect to various data sources, transform data using Power Query, and build detailed dashboards. It's particularly effective if you're already using Microsoft products.
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VP of IT4 months ago
Well, it is a difficult answer, I had to create my security dashboard by integrating different solutions like EDR, FW, user/network behavior and others technologies. This dashboard reporting was focused on data science, automatization and machine learning coding.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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