Looking for any insight to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how to use it in Supply Chain.  Any suggested places to start that will allow for learning, support adoption, and create an environment of support?  Any AI partners that you would recommend in terms of tools, software, and effective interface in a SAP environment?

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CEO in Consumer Goodsa month ago
Demand Planning and any forecasting tasks are a great use case for AI. Other examples are "rough cut" spend categorization, warehouse route optimization, and a lot more. 

I don't know about SAP specifically, but if you're open to exporting the data, there are a lot of tools out there, and you could custom build something as well if needed. 

I know we're not supposed to sell here, but feel free to message me if you want to explore possible use cases or practical steps! 
Director of Solution Architecture in Manufacturinga month ago
IBM has a MARIO product that helps with inventory optimization and is integrated with SAP.  Biggest target areas for SC AI other than inventory optimization are Procure to Pay, spend analysis, and disruption analysis (ie, if Panama Canal indicates passage increases from 30 days to 45 days, or LA port goes on strike, AI can identify all shipments using those routes, how that could affect inventory, proactively recommend options, and, if you trust it, place the orders). 

If you are asking about resources for learning about AI:  


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Chief Supply Chain Officera month ago
Areas that I have explored that seem like great fits include:

Supplier Operations and Compliance
S&OP/Demand Planning and Forecasting
Omni-Channel Order Sourcing, Optimization, and Promising
Labor Forecasting
Distribution Center Operational and Human Resource Support


Based on my research, experience, and partnerships, IBM and Google provide applications that are notably more mature and well-suited for seamless integration with SAP, compared to other available options.

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