What is on your list of essentials to avoid burnout? What is the first thing you do when you notice you are approaching burnout?

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Chief of DevOps and Partner in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago
I immediately start with a 10' guided meditation too calm down.  
Sr. Director, Information Technology10 months ago
Recognition is the first part, understanding if you are in a behavioral loop and that it needs to be broken..  Burnout occurs from a repetitious cycle and it's genuinely a mental health issue.

I've been through this, broke the cycle about a month or so ago and it's held.   Here's what you need to do or coach on.

1. You are not responsible for saving the world.  You are not in the race for time to solve the cure for cancer, things can and should wait.. Break the cycle of responsiveness / persistent work.

2. Create space for yourself first thing and do some meditation. There's an app called headspace on apple / android I strongly recommend it. 

3. During the day create two 15 minute windows, to once again meditate and give yourself headspace..  Meditation is far more than just silence.. it's creating awareness of you and how you are feeling, and allowing yourself to break the cycle / discharge those thoughts. 

4. Shut down at your designated end of work hour, and put the phone in another room, full stop put it in another room. 

This will give you clearance to be mindful and a part of other things in your life, clearing room and avoiding burnout.   

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Director of IT in Manufacturing10 months ago
1) Give breaks to mediate and listen inner voice.
2) Realize and accept the limit and capacity of myself. Look for additional support where I am short.
3) If the solution for root cause of burnout requires a long run, adjust the running speed

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IT Manager in Construction5 days ago
I had a look and it seems available for free can be easily find European and global market but there are a bunch of company with commercial reports for UK. I will search more.
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