As a leader, what do you do to counteract confirmation bias in your decision making?

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Advisor and CTO in Software10 months ago
Build a strong, intellectually diverse team that are not just "yes" people to provide input when you make important decisions. Designate at least one of the team to actively seek disconfirming information. 
Director of Data10 months ago
Countering confirmation bias in decision-making involves actively seeking out diverse perspectives. It's important to encourage open dialogue and constructive criticism within the team, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered. Additionally, reviewing decisions and outcomes with a critical eye and being open to feedback can help in identifying and mitigating the effects of confirmation bias.
CTO in Education10 months ago
What helps me tremendously is to ask myself the question: what information would I need to come to the opposite conclusion and to investigate that.
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VP in Finance (non-banking)10 months ago
- Data-driven practices to minimize reliance on subjective judgments.
- Encourage questioning of assumptions and alternative viewpoints.
- Distributing decision-making responsibilities to avoid individual biases. 
BI & Analytics Manager in Energy and Utilities10 months ago
1. Building trust between team members by experience of divergent opinions regarding the issue not being punished.
2. Exposing opinions to the team and asking about the impact of decision on members.
3. Blue team vs red team
4. Testing the decision. I. e. a decision regarding a process may be tested by simulating the process with the participants and collecting impressions.
5. Assuming the full risk of the decision consequences even when implements other people recommendations.

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