IT infrastructure - What are the top of mind initiatives in the roadmap for the next year?

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VP of IT in Education2 years ago
Consistent environments.  We recently acquired several entities and our 2023-24 plan is to have the environments consistent among them for ease of management and cost reduction. We also plan to migrate some legacy applications to the cloud where possible and clean up ACLs.  
Director of IT in Education2 years ago
Update our infrastructure asset inventory report so as to have better data on how to move forward with our  infrastructure modernization.  Expand our Cloud environment to better support access everywhere.
Manager in Construction2 years ago
Hardware refresh, we rode out lockdown without doing much upgrades / updates on hardware so the coming year is a project that is well overdue. Other than that, we're reviewing more cloud and improvement to backups / remote working to help the IT adapt to the new way the business works.
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IT Director in Education2 years ago
Modernizing our phone system to a more robust and mobile friendly system.

Getting back on track with hardware replacements after tight budgets forced most of those to be put on hold.
Managing Director in Manufacturing2 years ago
We have moved our applications to Docker but are not yet running them on native cloud systems, moving these off their existing hosts and adopting this will be a big item. Also switching fully to a cloud based domain from the legacy Ad! 

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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