If your developers are using ChatGPT as a coding assistant, what are you doing to prevent devs from leaking corporate secrets to it?

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Co-Founder in Services (non-Government)2 years ago
First we need to define secrets, basically we need to do data classification in the company, Second,  if they using the web option, then network DLP ( swg  casb,sse) should do the trick (if configured correctly)..if they using API i will need to do a research on options. Could be end point dlp, but its a different problem:)
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Director Global Network / Security Architecture and Automation in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
End user / developer training and DLP controls. Chat GPT can not come up with code ideas but it can write code based on requirements. That means unless the entire app is written in one query it's not placing data that could hurt intellectual property.
Like every new online tool it needs to be secured but we should make the security into an obstacle course.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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