What (if anything!) makes you feel optimistic for the future of cybersec?

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CTO in Software2 years ago
I believe the macroeconomic conditions and related pullback in VC funding in the cybersecurity sector will cause startups and established vendors to focus more on quality solutions instead of buzzword-bingo quantity.

Combined with this, I feel that the concept of Zero Trust is now better understood and *real* security problems will be mitigated by proper deployment of ZT principles, tools and platforms.
Director of IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
I feel like it seems to finally getting the attention it deserves at the top levels of management which is translating to demand, which I hope translates to improvements.  I think it will always be a bit of a "whack-a-mole" exercise, but I know when people in the C-suite are asking, it means we can get more done.
Director of IT in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
It's become a mainstream topic leading to business heads and boards understanding the importance.  This leads to funds and resource allocations allowing IT to be able to take a stronger stance in their own cyber security measures.
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Director Of Technology in Education2 years ago
Cybersecurity has been a bit easier to get buy-in for due to work from home and the migration to the cloud.

When we were on campus (K-12 school) there was emphasis on paper.  Paper exams, paper homework submissions, etc.

Our digital transformation has our users move away from using a printer and focus on keeping the documents in digital format.

The faculty, staff, parents, and all but the youngest students understand the importance of keeping their school account safe (chats, emails, homework assignments, grades, etc).  Nobody wants others to be able to read their email or chat messages.

Having the discussion and formal lessons with students about digital citizenship opens the door to discuss cybersecurity and proper digital hygiene.
VP of IT in Software2 years ago
It is getting significant investment and there are a large number of companies in this field. This will hopefully increase competition and innovation in this space.

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