As HR technologies rapidly evolve, how do you assess the tools/platforms that will best improve the employee experience?

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Senior Enterprise Sales Executive in Software5 months ago
I would recommend starting with which part of the employee experience needs the most attention and where do you have the opportunity for the most impact (sometimes that are two different areas). Then I'd move to what the specific measures you're trying to impact and how does that connect to broader business objectives. Then go out into your peer network and ask for recommendations for partners who have helped move the needle on those measures.  From there you can start to build out the specific requirements you have for where you're organization is on that journey.
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Global HR Transformation Leader in Educationa month ago
I believe it starts with identifying the business problem we aim to solve. It is crucial to understand the drivers and dimensions of the problem and consider multiple perspectives. We should evaluate existing processes and approaches that have failed to deliver desired outcomes. Looking at the problem from a user design perspective is also essential. While technology can address stakeholder concerns and improve processes, we must not overlook the people aspect of change and ensure effective adoption. Conducting due diligence, defining measures of success, and considering the technology's shelf life are key criteria for making informed decisions. It is also important to avoid overspending on solutions that may not align with the organization's purpose.

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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 days ago
We are working on the next level of our global business strategy and I expect the leaders to indicate what type of profiles and skills they need. For me this is not an HR task only so I need our CIO for instance, to share more
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