How are you working to avoid team burnout in 2023?

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CHRO in Services (non-Government)a year ago
It is really important to make sure that we're taking care of ourselves from a team perspective. One of the things that I make sure to do if I notice that a team member is getting stressed out or seeming like they're feeling like they're burning the candle at both ends is to ask them what they're doing to take care of themselves.
CHRO in Consumer Goodsa year ago
The first way is starting at the team level. I'm probably more biased on goal setting than most HR professionals because I did not grow up in HR so I can get a handle on what's important and what's not important and how we should prioritize work. The other way is around the capacity of the team. This has to do with reprioritizing what is important in regards to deadlines and what can wait.
HR in Telecommunicationa year ago
We have implemented discussions on this topic into our performance dialogues to address these issues first-hand.
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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga year ago
Show interest in your team, show them you care, spend time with them in 1:1's but also walk with them to get a coffee. If you see someone is struggling, show them you are there. At the same time, be sure you as leader look after yourself too, if the team sees you are overloaded and stressed, they won't bother you with their own stories. 

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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has more
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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturing7 days ago
We are working on the next level of our global business strategy and I expect the leaders to indicate what type of profiles and skills they need. For me this is not an HR task only so I need our CIO for instance, to share more
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