How can we look at digital transformation through the lens of Industry 4.0?

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CEO in Services (non-Government)3 years ago
For the past about five and a half years within the confines of advisory and consulting, I actually coached CEOs', CIOs' boards on digital transformation from an Industry 4.0 perspective. I did a very deep dive on Industry 4.0. I think it's quite applicable to digital transformation, as well as to manufacturers and I have written a couple of very long treaties, for a couple of organizations, both in electronics and in pharma.

When B2B hit, I was very involved in developing B2B for very large organizations, manufacturers with 30 facilities worldwide, in pharma, high tech and electronics. One of the things that stayed with me for a very long time was the idea that, if you think about Porter's five forces (, every time we do this continuous improvement where technology kicks in, one of them goes away. The last time, it was the advantage of corporations to use business processes as a key lever in their competitive advantage. This time around, I'm seeing that another piece is disappearing, because as we equalize and bring digitalization forward, the principles of Industry 4.0 make us more connected, but they also level the playing field in a way that striving for competitive advantage becomes very tenuous—in some cases, untenable.

That’s is where my focus is currently, both on the manufacturing side in the weeds of IIoT, edge computing, cloud and all of the technologies surrounding that, to the other side which is: How can I thrive in the 4th Industrial Revolution, if all things are now equal, including the data I share with my closest trading partners, suppliers and everything across the board? How do I bring that up a notch, into what I call digital business?
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CIO / Managing Partner in Manufacturing3 years ago

Very interesting pst Joanne, I had not considered it in that way before.

Director of IT in IT Services2 months ago
Industry 4.0 is old… With help of AI, It’s the perfect time to implement industry 5.0.
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Senior Data Scientist in Miscellaneous2 months ago
Digital Transformation is a prerequisite for I4.0. I don't want to go for AI, but without a proper awareness, management of and benefit from the data, you won't utilize the capabilities of I4.0.

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