How can we approach the establishment of a Center of Excellence (CoE) for Low Code? We have made product selections and aim to set up a CoE to leverage these solutions effectively. I'm curious, have you ever engaged a third party to assist in establishing a CoE? If you have, I would greatly appreciate if you could share your experience and any valuable lessons learned from that process.

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Sr. Director, Head of Global Omnichannel Capabilities Delivery Center in Manufacturinga year ago
Technology should be the least important part here. Low code coe really is all about governance and training. It’s establishing processes, monitoring progress and KPIs and being able to help the internal customer base to maximize operations.
CIO in Consumer Goodsa year ago
Making sure well defined operating model and charter of coe is in place. This should include clear purpose, well described aspirations, framework, key metrics and governance framework.
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Founder & Chief AI Strategist in Softwarea year ago
It depends on the size of your company and (IT) organization. The most common approach is to start with a centralized CoE model. The CoE defines the governance and processes, and identifies key use cases together with business stakeholders. Next, they’ll identify multipliers/ champions/ power users with whom they form a community of practice (upskill, enable, advocate). The composition of skills on the team will be important — especially to collaborate across business functions and with non-technical people.

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Alignment with Cloud Provider7%


Alignment with Existing IT Skills4%

Product / Feature Set7%

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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It depends (please explain in the comments)1%

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