How has the increase in digitization affected your role and collaboration with partners?

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CIO in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
IT is dynamic, and it can help businesses with their growth. Not having a digital presence these days is a concern. Even if the business doesn't have a product to sell online, it can adopt digital tools and technologies internally to help deliver customer value much faster. IT functions perform at a mature level at some organizations and are embedded in the business as a contributing unit instead of a dependency. As a contributing unit, you are fully functional and delivering value. But when IT is a dependency, other stakeholders are waiting for it to deliver to move forward.

The problem for many organizations is that they only think of technology as a tool. But using technology as just a tool that converts something into digital form is a process of digitization rather than digitalization. Digitalization is the broader transformation objective that an organization should embrace across the people, processes and technology. The technology in itself is a tool, but it needs to be combined with the people and the process. If people won't change, or if the process won't change, technology will not provide any advantage. It might solve some problems, but not to the extent the business expects after investing time and money into it.

You need your stakeholders to understand that digital transformation is literal change, and that the true value of technology lies in understanding why we need to change, as well as the impact of that change. So when we talk about digital, we have to talk about transformation because that's where the benefit of technology is. People talk about needing digital transformation but when you go a bit deeper, there's a disconnect between what people get excited about and what the reality is when it comes to execution. Then they start saying, "Why are you trying to change this? This is perfect."
IT Operating Unit Director in Education2 years ago
Our team is no longer a specialized support resource, we are now a mission critical component of the organization that has a close working relationship nearly every functional unit across the enterprise. 
Senior Director of Information Technology in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
More collaboration and awareness to business priorities and strategic initiatives 
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SVP - Software Engineering in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago
On a positive note, it's allowed collaboration to be more flexible - e.g. can be virtual, offline, take place anywhere, etc. So, overall it's a net positive development. The downside is that it's harder to build trust, intuition, and learn about the organization. Also, there is no one standard collab tool that everyone uses so I find myself using different tools all the time depending on the context/partner which gets confusing/frustrating.   
Director Certifications in Education2 years ago
For me digitization has taken a lot of time to prepare for the change processes and get employees buy-in of the benefits of digitalizing information/data. It is causing a lot of stress and discussions with staff in this whole process. Some staff see the benefits others think it is a waste of time and a useless exercise.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

Technical / IT Factors (on-premise tools, pivoting back away from remote)14%

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Sr. Director, Enterprise Applications and IT Services6 days ago
These worked for us:

Stakeholder Engagement - Engage all relevant stakeholders early and continuously throughout the procurement process. 

Adaptible Contracting - Use contracting methods that allow for adjustments more
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