How do you identify potential future leadership on your team(s)?

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Director of Supply Chain6 months ago
Look for these three things: Attitude - Accountability - Acumen

The first is essential. As a leader, you have to maintain a positive outlook, because your team will reflect your actions and your own attitude.

The second is also essential. A leader doesn't blame others for failure, but rather identifies the opportunities for improvement, and executes better the next time.

The third helps. Having at least some domain skill - even if demonstrated in the past - will help to instill respect with the team. I've also found that a leader with skills and a willingness to share/coach/teach is inspiring for many of today's junior staff.
Head of Product & Brand Marketing5 months ago
Perhaps to add to Jeff's alliteration... Ambition

I hold regular "career conversations" with my team to talk about what they want to achieve in their career and the types of experiences they're seeking to get to get there. Listening to what each of them wants, rather than assuming it's something similar to what I want, means I can actually help them hone their soft and hard skills to get there. It also means I can have much more direct conversations about stretch opportunities... taking on an extra thing that's just adding hours to my week is not so fun but taking on an extra thing that will allow me to put X on my CV, now that's something I'm actually looking forward to doing. 
Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)5 months ago
Small step off topics, however relevant i think. This Gartner article on thoughleadership. Takes a moment to go back to the basic principles; 
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CMO/ Head of Marketing in Services (non-Government)5 months ago
EQ. Are they self aware, and continually seeking opportunities to learn,  listen and engage? Can they connect emotionally with others and inspire them to take action with or without a formal leadership role.
Director of Marketing5 months ago
I've worked with dozens of potential talents and I always use these key metrics to identify leaders: 

1. can they collaborate in a team environment and keep their ego aside? Strong leaders aren't about me, myself, and I. It's always about the team, the 'we', and the 'us.' 

2. can they handle pressure? And by pressure, I don't mean a toxic culture, but deadlines or urgencies that are beyond one's control. If they have to put in some extra hours in a month, will that make or break them? 

3. can they handle feedback? Work isn't always going to be rosy and positive. If they have to meet with difficult clients or face a tough critic, how would they respond? 

People skills, collaboration skills, ownership of roles and responsibilities are what I usually look for in candidates. They are hard to come across but when you do find that one person, they are worth the training, effort, and mentorship :) 

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VP of Marketing in Softwarea month ago

Agree 100%. Adding to that, 2 things that proved to be true more often than not:
- the best performer is not necessarily the best leader
- the team members considering a leadership position a "career move"  might not always have and/or know what it takes.


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