How have you used 30, 60 or 90-day plans to quickly make an impact when starting a new executive role?

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VP of HR in Banking6 months ago
a minute ago
While we don't have formal 30/60/90 day plans, specifically, we do put on paper the following items:

Communication Topics: who needs to know about the new Executive and at what time (pre-hire or upon hire). This includes the team that will be managed, Board of Directors, entire company (or no), etc.  Also, if applicable a press release.

Key Relationships to Build: internally or externally, who are people who can help expedite the transition, who can help make this new person successful.  We make a list, schedule all of the introductions, and ensure they are complete within the first 45 days.  As example, if we were hiring a new head of Digital Experiences, we would ensure they were connected to leaders in: Marketing, Technology, Legal, Compliance, Information Security, Call Center Operations, etc.  We would also ensure connections are made to key ongoing partners such as Finance and HR.  Plus of course all external parties with whom this person may be working.
*using this list we would also determine who they need to meet with regularly and ensure those are scheduled ongoing.

Other Activities:
- Determine what Committees they need to sit on both internally and externally to the company
- Provide introductions to the Board of Directors
- Identify opportunities to get new leader involved in the local community (Chamber of Commerce, non-profit Board seats, etc.)
- Identify industry education needs, create exposure
- Introduction to our Public Relations team, headshot taken
-All Company social media sites updated and publications updated as needed

Hope this helps to get you started!
CIO in Government6 months ago
Not necessarily a 30-60-90 day plan, but I've often used a 100-day roadmap when starting into a new Executive role.Split into 5 categories (not necessarily in a sequential order)
* Foundation preparation - Know about your role in detail, learn about your goals, KPIs
* Management expectations - Make sure you know your stakeholders and your Executive team well - their portfolio and their expectations from the role. 
* Assessing your team - Good opportunity for you to know your team, capabilities, strengths, weaknesses
* Assessing your stakeholders - Very important to know who are your stakeholders, their interests, their importance of their business, etc.
* Delivering your first plan - It is always great to have a plan/goal that you have laid out and deliver it towards the end of your 100 days. This also gives your Executive team the confidence in you and your abilities. The plan needs to be realistic and achievable.
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CIO in Telecommunication6 months ago
You should use these plans when you start and throughout your career.  Many improvements can be made within these windows.  You should always challenge yourself and your teams to be willing to take action, willing to take the risk of making a decision and potentially being wrong, to think outside the box and look at issues with different perspectives.  That makes you more than just another executive, it makes you a leader.

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