How have you implemented product- focused technology teams in your organization? What factors have lead to successful outcomes?

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CEO in Services (non-Government)3 months ago
In my previous role and in many (more than 10 organizations) in my current role. A few factors

1- it’s a cultural change “across” the enterprise, not only within the product teams, so requires education (eg the questions and exec sponsor ask a product owner / team are different to the questions you ask a traditional Project Manager).
2- CFO needs to understand how value driven funding works vs traditional funding, this is to me the largest speed bump and cause for product organizations to fail …
3- Product Owner is a role to be understood and learned, and empowered plus must have access to real client feedback, otherwise it does not represent real client needs or priorities.
4- technology teams need the processes, dev/ops, CI/CD, tools to action on customer feedback at a good pace … that investment is an enabler, do not duel in ROI, cannot drive a car fast w/o tires.

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Head of Transformation in Government3 months ago
The largest barrier, as we have found, is transitioning from a mindset of business customer-IT supplier with a lack of engagement and commitment from a product team to shift the focus to customer value and experience and away from features and process automation. 

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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Strategy & Architecture
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Director in Manufacturinga month ago
We used both Dell Services and Capgemini services for this all over the USA. I do not know if they will do a one time agreement or not. We used them both on a long term basis and had both managed services contracts as well more
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