How have AI initiatives impacted your data monetization strategy?

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Chief Data Officer in Software6 months ago
Most companies, including mine, are not focused on monetization.  So for most, the answer here will be 'not at all'.  The last Gartner data I saw on monetization suggested that only around 10% of companies are actually doing any form of data monetization - which I suspect is a significantly inflated number.  
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Partner / Principal in Services (non-Government)6 months ago
I would say it's a mixed bag. Some companies are relooking at their data monetization strategy through a new lens of AI products and services. Data companies are using AI to improve the way they deliver their offerings with differentiated insights. In manufacturing enterprises, it is impacting in two key areas: 
1. AI readiness of your data to drive business value creation
2. AI to improve your data maturity. 
Both play a critical role in accelerating your path to data commercialization. 

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