How are folks finding the best influencers among their target audience?

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Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)6 months ago
Research, what is your target audience all about, Whom do they identify with. make that network matrix. Also, what about the influencers on your target list. What is their reach and audience. 

And last but not least, looking at those influencers. Do they fit your brand? And are they already working for the competition, or do you see opportunities and common ground?
Director of Analyst Relations in Software4 months ago
Traditional media is waning, so I see other venues for influencers. LinkedIn continues to play a role as brands leverage the platform for more and more marketing. In addition, podcasting platforms are becoming popular in B2B. B2C brands can leverage social media platforms other than LinkedIn fairly well with a more general influencer community. B2B influencers also can be found at the market research firms like Gartner. Most of the influencers I find are via Linkedin, podcasting, analyst firms and the internet (Blogs, vlogs, websites).
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CMO in Banking3 months ago
from my customer research and qualitative discussions, I identify potential influencers and content creators; I get the team and myself to follow them with our prviate accounts for some time and see if their posts/behavior fit with our brand value and only then do we engage. It takes a lot longer but we have better quality / alignment with them

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