How do you move your AI workloads to the cloud?

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Chief Information Officer in Finance (non-banking)6 years ago
AI workloads are best suited for cloud and the journey should actually begin from Cloud native platforms like tensorflow, AWS sagemaker, Azure ML etc. These platforms are built to handle massive data workloads and can expedite the training cycles for ML.
C-Suite in Energy and Utilities3 years ago
First of all, it needs to be aligned to your cloud strategy, where Cloud native platforms will be critical for your AI workloads.
Global Vice President of Sales in Software3 years ago
AWS is the simplest and most cost effective platform - I would encourage you look into that platform.
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Senior Product Marketer in Software2 years ago
AI workloads can indeed benefit from the cloud's scalability. If you move them to the cloud, you'll probably watch your compute costs skyrocket. This is true whether you choose AWS or Azure, and whether you deploy containers in Kubernetes or good-old VMs. 
So it's crucial to accompany this transformation with a serious cost optimizer that supports stateful workloads. AWS and Azure do have their native tooling for that, but 3rd party solutions usually generate way more savings. Just be sure to carefully inquire how their stateful support is delivered, and whether it satisfies your workloads' needs: Persist data, persist network, both, or something beyond that. Good luck. 
Director of IT in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
moving workload to cloud gives you cost efficiency, all the resources required,  newest technologies, and flexibility with business needs. AWS is my preference, while other player also offerf good value for money.

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