How do you define a "Touchless Order" within Order to Invoice? Do you have a target for Touchless Order and how do you measure it? Before we establish our Touchless Order target, we want to be sure about the right definition. This metric could be relatively acid given the fact that a touchless order won´t have any manual intervention through the whole journey, so in case you "touch it," your touchless result is 0%.  

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Program Manager II in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
A touchless order in order-to-invoice is an order that is processed without any manual intervention. This means that the order is received, processed, and fulfilled without any human intervention. 

To measure touchless orders, businesses can track the number of orders that are processed without any manual intervention. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as tracking the number of orders that are received electronically, the number of orders that are processed through ERP and WMS systems, and the number of orders that are fulfilled without any manual intervention. A touchless order will not have any manual intervention through the whole journey. Therefore, if you "touch it," your touchless result is 0%. I believe that once a business has tracked the number of touchless orders, it can calculate the touchless order rate by dividing the number of touchless orders by the total number of orders. For example Amazon Fresh stores.
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Supply Chain Managera year ago

Thank you Amit! We have here the same definition, our challenge is that roughly 99% of our orders are touched at some point during the whole order journey. Since the metric is too acid we are looking for other ways to have a metric that will add more value such as Order Automation rate. For example: if your order has 10 steps, how much of them are automated. 
Thanks for your collaboration

Chief Operations Officer in Consumer Goodsa year ago
For me "touchless order" is an order which is being processed fully automatically, withouit human involvement.

We measure it from PO (Purchase order) up to SO (Sales Order).

Basically the ideal result is that we send automatic order to the Producer, then to the Warehouse, and will be executed fully by the systems.

We measure this KPI (sorry for polish description). It means, what i've written above.

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Chief Operations Officer in Consumer Goodsa year ago

It looks that i can't paste the graph....

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