How does your company manage low performers after each review cycle? Do you wait for the business to bring the low performer to you as an HRBP or Employee Relations Partner? or do you collect the ratings after review and pull in the business to address?

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VP of HRa year ago
We have a continuous feedback approach which includes a manager effectiveness dashboard so at any point and time all levels of leadership can see and manage low performance and recognize high performance.  There are many data points including performance snapshots which managers complete quarterly on their team members and coaching survey which the employees complete on their managers.  The business has access to this information at all times, and it is discussed at the highest level of leadership during Senior Leader governance meetings which are also held quarterly and hosted by the People team.  When the low performers are identified the People Partners work with the business to identify actionable development plans to support improvement.  Over time if improvement is not seen then the People Partners work with the business on next steps either continued development plans or more formal performance improvement plans.
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Head Talent Development in Softwarea year ago

hi Tamara, thanks for sharing your insights. We also have continuous feedback approach, however keen to know about the data points that are presented on the manager effectiveness dashboard.  

HEAD OF HRa year ago
HR will track the assessment and set meetings to follow up with the manage to support the actions for the low performer. There are 3 paths: performance improvement plan; transition to new role; or exit from the business. The manager is accountable for the actions and HRBP supports/coaches.
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VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga year ago
It can never wait until 'that' time of the year. The manager has to manage performance throughout the year and has to ask HR for help when it comes to a personal improvement plan or specific support. Providing constructive feedback to the employee is key, not only when it comes to the actual rating but in case a manager sees a derailer; one never knows what has been happening in someone's private life that performance is lower than expected. HR is there to support, the manager and employee are responsible to find a solution; this can be working on a joint PIP but also moving the employee to another department, the last resort is an exit but then you need to have a lot of facts and data and show that as a manager you really did what you could to prevent this. 

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