Product Marketing Leaders, do you have an outline/template for presenting your analyst engagement efforts to your CEO/leadership?

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Director of Marketing in Software7 months ago
Here are the metrics I keep:

The company mentions in analyst reports

The volume of inquiries with your company mentioned
Number of reports mentioning your company

Scores or placement in report vs competitors

Leads and opportunities generated from a licensed report
Number of deals influenced by analysts
Number of Gartner Peer Reviews 
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Head of Product & Brand Marketing7 months ago
- Recap how AR ladders up to business objectives (only pick what's truly relevant). In our case, it's all 3: (1) build awareness and credibility, (2) drive new demand and (3) bring market insights to develop the right solutions
- Highlight key wins from the past X term for each of those 3 pillars, e.g.: (1) Analyst advocacy (what helps us build awareness and credibility) - X mentions in these top reports, anecdotal feedback on new client referrals (2) X many leads/downloads generated from analyst content; key attendees to analyst-related webinar, qualitative sales feedback/quotes; pipeline influenced by analyst content and (3) Analyst insights: X advice from analysts regarding new product development, interesting intel from a report, etc.
- Flag key upcoming activities with analysts (focus on expected outcomes rather than tactic per se, e.g. don't focus on how many briefings but rather shift in sentiment from top buyer advisors)
- Make any asks and flag dependencies: whether it's that they make room to meet X analyst or that they promote a new report you're using to drive demand, etc. 

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