In your experience, what are the best OD models you've used that are proven more effective and less resisted among leaders? Also, what does your Talent Management COE look like from an Org Chart perspective? 

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Head Talent Development in Softwarea year ago
The model used depends on the situation. However for any problem statement (Ex. Career Pathing, Managing Involuntary attrition etc.) the steps that are being followed are: Problem identification, diagnostics, data collection & analysis, feedback, design of interventions,
managing change (Kotter's 8 step change model), evaluation of change post implementation & governance. Our Talent Management COE team is lean, with a VP heading the team and 2 Talent Management Specialists who are at associate director level. Note: Talent Development team is separate. 

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Interim Human Resources Director UK USA & Asia in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
am familiar- with Lewin's Three-Stage Model, Action Research Model, Appreciative Inquiry Model and General Model of Planned Change.

Lewin's Three Step OD Model is the one I like Preparation stage. Look at how things operate to see the resources needed. Our CoE team for the talent Mgt is very lean

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