Do you have a project management team or department? What is it called? E.g. Project Management Office, Strategy Execution Office, Project Support Team...

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Senior Information Security Manager in Software2 years ago
Sammy Hagar sang: There’s Only One Way to Rock.

So too with project management, there’s only one name for it: Project Management.

Some organizations do try to create fancy names for their project management office. But at its core, it’s still: project management.
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Director, Information Services in Finance (non-banking)2 years ago

Thanks, Ben!

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Senior Executive Advisor in Software2 years ago
We have a project management office (PMO). As Ben mentioned, there are more exotic names floating around, but PMO is the essential name.

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Sr. Director, Enterprise Applications and IT Services6 days ago
These worked for us:

Stakeholder Engagement - Engage all relevant stakeholders early and continuously throughout the procurement process. 

Adaptible Contracting - Use contracting methods that allow for adjustments more
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CIO in Healthcare and Biotech3 months ago
I have gone through the similar situation twice in two different organisation , where in one implemented SAP and other one it was Oracle Fusion.
I'd prefer and suggest to follow following steps :-
1. First you need more
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