Have you noticed any trends in the technology landscape for data and/or analytics that you think are being unwisely overlooked or ignored?

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VP of Data2 months ago
I have realized for data and analytics we are still on reports & dashboard , organization find very difficult to move to augmented analytics, analytics product and analytics driven intelligence impact orchestration.
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Senior Data and Analytics Leader in Government2 months ago
One trend that I think is underappreciated is data lineage. In this age of data regulations and the need for explainable AI, knowing where your data came from and how it's been transformed is crucial. But I see so many companies treating it as an afterthought. It's like trying to bake a cake without knowing where your ingredients came from or what's in them. Recipe for disaster, if you ask me.
Another trend that I think isn't getting enough traction is edge analytics. Everyone's so caught up in the cloud hype that they're overlooking the power of processing data right where it's generated. For IoT and real-time applications, edge analytics can be a game-changer, but it's often overshadowed by the cloud.
Last but not the least is data governance. Everyone talks about it, but how many companies are actually doing it well? With all the AI and machine learning hype, solid data governance practices are more important than ever, but they're often overlooked in favor of more exciting projects.

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