Does anyone know any ChatGPT/AI Prompt Engineering trainer/training company who would come to my firm and provide a 1-3 hour session of group training? Has anyone found such resources who perform this training?  

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Senior Vice President - Advanced Engineering & Data Analytics in Manufacturinga year ago
We can help here for prompt engineering from Zensar. This is Rajat. You can reach me at
Chief Information Officer in Constructiona year ago
Most of the courses I could find are online. 
Head of Transformation in Governmenta year ago
I am going to take an out-of-the-box approach on this one, and one that mirrors the discussion I am having with our HR and global leadership team. Organisations that have become so-called "digital", innovative, learning organisations have learned that "teaching" does not equate to "learning." 

99% of information is out there and before embarking on any digital dexterity or digital skills (in our case the skills are different - but analogous to prompt engineering), the effort should be applied to changing the culture to one where the people who create value (let's consider examining the term human capital) are encouraged to be curious and learn on their own. 

I have observed that the departments with a concentration of self-learners are the departments that demonstrate greater productivity in reaching strategic objectives and often through innovative approaches and strong team work.

Self-learning does not equate to self-service which is still a packaged knowledge form and content that is made available to the human capital. Self-learning does not occur in a carefully curated and management approved grocery store.

Self-learning is too often seen as a genetic trait - reserved for a few eccentric geniuses. However, I believe that self-learning is in the same category as rote-learning we teach young people from K through university. Just as we can teach math tables and history we can teach curiosity and exploration of knowledge categories outside one's formal learning.

I don't have the answers - as I am trying to cooperate with HR to find the right incentives to shift the culture. But I suspect that sending people out to consult to others (even internally) might be a more successful approach than bringing consultants in to try and teach digital skills. I learned only recently for example, that some of the more innovative people in the teams I work with had taken the coursera course as a springboard but then joined online communities to exchange learning and practice.

Your environment may be very different, a group of very curious people asking for more learning content, so my post is a general reflection triggered from the question that mirrors my challenges and is not, I hope is clear, an assault on your needs. However, there is a nagging feeling, again mirroring my observation of my teams, that if they were that curious from the get-go they would have found it already. I suspect spoon-fed digital skills a 20th century approach to a 21st century opportunity.
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CTO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
If it is possible to do it remotely, instead of in your office I can provide you with the training. I've taken the Prompt Engineering course from DAIR.AI, created my own ChatGPT methodology, and created a Substack newsletter called "Practical ChatGPT Solutions", the purpose of it was to showcase the practical side of ChatGPT and demonstrate how it can help tackle a variety of challenges, making our lives and work easier. Also, I've implemented it at the company I'm working for to solve problems among many departments ( Marketing, Operations, and Engineering ).

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Director of IT in IT Services4 days ago
Not sure on comparison, but one of our client is using GE’s Flow Safe Pipeline control system. Seems my point of contacts are happy with it.
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IT Manager in Construction5 days ago
I had a look and it seems available for free can be easily find European and global market but there are a bunch of company with commercial reports for UK. I will search more.
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