Will generative AI be a tool of misinformation & risk to civilization & humanity?

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CTO in Softwarea year ago
Yes, generative AI has the potential to be misused for misinformation, identity theft, fraud, and propaganda, which could pose risks to society. However, these risks can be mitigated through responsible use, development of AI safeguards, and robust policies and regulations. Efforts are also underway to detect and counteract AI-generated misinformation. The tool itself isn't inherently a risk; it's the misuse that presents potential threats.
VP of Engineering in Bankinga year ago
There's certainly an element of that. However, misinformation is already happening all over the news and the internet without generative AI. Generative AI may help in amplifying that to a bigger scale.
Founder & Chief AI Strategist in Softwarea year ago
Generative AI as a basis technology will be a tool for many things — good and bad. One of the latter is the potential that people will use it to create misinformation. There are three factors contributing to it: (1) Access, (2) Quality, and (3) Scale.

(1) Access: Anyone with an internet connection and a browser can create Generative AI content (text, image, audio). The cost is literally zero, because of free trials and free options.

(2) Quality: It already is hard to distinguish AI- from human-created results and it will only get harder as the technology advances further.

(3) Scale: Anyone who’s created it can share it with anyone in the world — digitally and instantly.

Ultimately, it comes down to the people using the technology and to their intentions for doing so. I’ve recently explored the following question as part of a personal creative project: “What’s really anymore? And how could you tell?”
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AI LegalTech Counsel & Legal Ops Innovation Leader | Digital Transformation Expert | Strategic Advisor in Services (non-Government)a year ago
Like all technology (even the Internet), there is a possibility of misuse and risk of involvement by bad actors. But these risks don't outweigh the potential, nor should they justify placing limits on technological innovation and progress. We should anticipate and mitigate these fears and dangers appropriately, with clear and actionable guidelines and guardrails.
Vice President of Sales in IT Servicesa year ago
No, if you know what you are looking for, not even a generative AI can mislead you. However, if you don't know what you are looking for, even if it's right in front of you, you can still be misled. Therefore, a generative AI should be seen as a blessing for easy and informative sourcing of information and answers on any valid inquiry, rather than being perceived as a threat to humanity or its civilization.

If the internet itself cannot mislead or harm humanity, then why should AI, which is meant to expedite day-to-day work with efficiency, be seen as a tool of misinformation and a risk to civilization and humanity?

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