Follow up on my previous travel question: What is your favorite place to travel to for work and why?

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Director of Systems Operations in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
By far the best place for me to travel was Shanghai. Loved the city and the vibe. Singapore is also an amazing place to have to be stationed for work.
VP Talent, Learning & Organisational Development in Manufacturinga year ago
Japan: organized, clean, friendly people, very good infrastructure, clean and an infusion of food and culture!
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Mission Diplomatic Technology Officer in Governmenta year ago

I agree. Working there now.

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IT Business & Investments Specialista year ago
Europe meeting a diverse set of individuals with different aspirations.

Mission Diplomatic Technology Officer in Governmenta year ago
Eritrea, Libya, Burma, Czech Republic….

Pleasure working with the folks in some of the smaller countries or austere environments. Gain perspective on unusual and adroit work around to unique challenges.
Chief Data Officer in Educationa year ago
Australia and New Zealand are my favorites.

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