Do you find you are leaning more toward larger or smaller vendors for GenAI? If smaller vendors don’t have the same compute power or available data, what do they offer that makes you choose them?

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Data Science & AI Expert in Miscellaneousa year ago
At this stage, still towards the larger vendors due to reliability concerns. Smaller players have more flexibility and in the area of GenAI have more chances in partnership with larger providers.
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Director of Data and AI in Bankinga year ago
I'm biased, but larger.

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Director of Marketing in IT Services16 days ago
All of my contracts with agencies line out that if they use tools they must pay for them. They also must point out what has been supported or written by GenAI. 
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Internal training program100%

External training program100%

Funding for additional education

Incorporated into change management strategy100%

Something else

Not applicable

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Director of IT2 months ago
This study is a couple of years old.... there is much more recent McKinsey content. Some links: Economic potential of generative AI | McKinsey  and  The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate more
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