Who has been your favorite non-tech keynote or featured speaker? Is anyone actually drawn in by a famous musical act or comedian?

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Board Member, Former CIO in Software4 years ago
A few comments:
Adam Grant gives an incredible talk about workplace dynamics (e.g. give/take). 

Will.I.Am is an incredibly intelligent musician and has a lot to offer in terms of business insights.  

Of course my all time favorite (and sadly probably the most expensive to retain) is Jim Collins (good to great, great by choice)
COO in Healthcare and Biotech4 years ago
Angela Duckworth’s TED Talks based on her book, Grit. Which is influenced by Carol Dweck’a work on Growth vs Fixed Mindset.

Both are great lessons for adults as well as kids.
CIO in Software4 years ago
What a fun topic!  Some that stand out are the astronaut Mae Jemison, the writer Michael Lewis, and Ed Catmull from Pixar talking about how to promote creativity in the workplace.
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CIO, Senior VP in Finance (non-banking)4 years ago
I am drawn by musical acts. Any chance to step away from IT I'll take it. My favorite speakers are ones that don't tell me things I already know, but tie IT (in my case, Financial Services) in with another entertaining topic. I can see and read our current state in numerous articles and journals. Tell me what I don't know. Give me an angle I haven't thought about.
CIO in Education4 years ago
I saw Lou Holtz and Gen. Colin Powell speak at different events. Both were great motivational speakers in their own unique ways.

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