In your experience, how effective are advisory councils/boards at solving problems for your organization? Do you intend to or have you already established a council or board dedicated to AI strategy and implementation?

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Chief Data Officer in Media5 months ago
Advisory boards can be effective if they move quickly enough and deliver an actionable strategy. With a technology that changes every 12-24 months, AI strategy is iterative and adaptive, something legacy strategy frameworks won't accommodate.

Every part of the business and product(s) generates data and can leverage data and AI. The AI strategy must be an actionable, holistic framework for decision-making. It must be relevant outside the data team and C-suite. It must also be pragmatic and connected with realities on the ground.

To succeed, advisory boards need authority, continuous input and feedback from all business units, technical and strategic expertise, and a focus on business outcomes over technology outcomes.
Chief Data Officer in Software5 months ago
In all honesty advisory councils have not been highly effective at any organization I've worked in - but that's because they lacked the appropriate governance, incentives, operating model, and leadership.  If you do things the right way, I'm optimistic that advisory boards can be highly effective (arguably necessary) to address issues which require cross-functional collaboration in any organization.  The most critical aspects to get right are leadership and incentives - without these things you'll struggle regardless of how well you approach the 'mechanics' of any board.  

When it comes to AI, you need at least two distinct councils (but with coordination across both):  1) Focused on creation of policies and procedures which govern how AI is operationalized / used in an organization, across any tools, business processes, and systems.  2)  Focused on creating and enforcing policies used to oversee the creation of AI based models / solutions themselves.  It's possible both could be included within existing councils - esp. #2, which could/should be an aspect of any enterprise data governance effort.  
Data Science & AI Expert in Miscellaneous4 months ago
If clear and correct structure and procedures are in place, they are very effective. There is no doubt in benefits of having one that works even with limited efficiency.
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Founder, CEO in Services (non-Government)4 months ago
In my previous organization, we established a steering committee, also known as an Advisory team, which played a critical role in the successful rollout of our end-to-end data infrastructure. The advisory team was instrumental, and some key factors contributed to its success:

A thoughtfully constituted advisory team comprising an Enterprise Architect, key data product leads, potential end users, CTO, and representatives from data and process governance.
The advisory team should possess authority and a clear mandate.
It's essential to set key rollouts within the framework of democratic feedback loops, such as a comment period on the rollout plan. This feedback can prove more valuable than anticipated.
Engaging an external perspective proved beneficial for us. We collaborated with a data consultant from a reputable data platform organization.

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