Does your Engineering team work with scrappy development? If so, what did you do to let know the upper management that quality issues might arise?

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Director of IT in Manufacturing10 months ago
Communicating potential quality issues arising from scrappy development practices to upper management is crucial for ensuring project success and maintaining a high level of product quality. there are some things you can do to address this to upper management
Before approaching upper management, collect concrete evidence to support your concerns.
Assess the potential impact of quality issues on the project's timeline, budget, and overall success.
Don't just point out problems; come prepared with potential solutions. Suggest ways to improve development practices, increase testing efforts, and enhance code quality.
Frame your message in a professional and respectful manner.
Anticipate potential questions from upper management and be ready to provide well-thought-out answers.
Hope this can be helpful
Director - IT Infrastructure - Databases and eBusiness Specializing in Information Technology in Retail10 months ago
Identify the quality issues early and proactively. Scrappy software development can lead to some challenges, such as inefficiency, rework, bugs, and customer dissatisfaction. You can use tools like Hotjar to collect feedback from users and measure their satisfaction with your product. You can also use metrics like code coverage, test coverage, defect density, and customer retention to monitor the quality of your product.
Explain the risks and trade-offs of scrappy software development. Scrappy software development can be beneficial for innovation and speed, but it also comes with some drawbacks You can use data and evidence to show how scrappy software development affects your product quality, user experience, business goals, and competitive advantage. You can also compare scrappy software development with other approaches, such as agile or waterfall, and highlight the pros and cons of each.
Seek support and collaboration from the upper management. Scrappy software development requires a culture of trust, autonomy, and accountability among team members. You can ask for the upper management’s support and guidance on how to implement scrappy software development effectively. You can also share your vision and strategy for improving your product quality with them. You can involve them in decision-making processes and solicit their feedback regularly.
Be transparent and honest about the challenges and outcomes of scrappy software development. Scrappy software development is not a one-size-fits-all solution for every product or situation. You should be honest about the challenges you face and the outcomes you achieve with scrappy software development. You should also acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them. You should celebrate your successes and share your best practices with others.
Director, Strategic Security Initiatives in Software10 months ago
Have a process and follow it, regular checks and audits...escalations won't be needed..
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CTO in Media10 months ago
That's a dangerous road to go down.
I've often found even if I had great communication and called out areas we're taking some tech debt in, later on people have a hard time hearing that there are clean-up projects needed to pay that debt back.

I'd say if your initial talks with upper management do not feel highly aligned with everyone very aware of what "scrappy" means, then ensure you at least keep track of any trade-offs you make as time goes on.

+1 to all the other comments about the value of frequent communication.
Chief Technology Officer in Media10 months ago
Nothing so far. We have been taking care of that since the beginning.

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