Does anyone employ active threat countermeasures at your company and if so what do you use?

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Director of IT in Manufacturing6 years ago
Currently we employ the Velo from Windstream for our inter connectivity from office to office. We have Cyren and the cloud monitoring our traveling and off premise employees, we have Cylance as a AV engine as well as the Global install of McAfee which does little for us.  We also have Cisco Firewalls in place both in data centers as well as between internal levels of the network.  We have a SIEM system running and monitoring for windows file changes, and we have other software which assists us in our efforts. 
Senior Director in Finance (non-banking)6 years ago
We are in the process of re-evaluating appropriate counter measures. If you are considering making changes, would recommend looking at Splunk and IBM products to begin with.
VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Would also recommend splunk, sumologic.

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Chief Security Officer in Software6 years ago
Thanks. We use Splunk and other security tools, but those aren’t active countermeasures. Active counter measures change and respond based on the attack, such as software defined network technologies that become tar pits for attackers by slowing down protocols or network devices/services that launch pre-canned responses to attacks (such as an attack itself).
in Finance (non-banking)6 years ago
Hello Lee, we are doing both Systems and physical security, I am trying to find an application to watch out team behavior throw our network and action taken.On the other hand we are trying to follow up for normal procedure and stick to it as bio-metric devices every where with 2 factors authentication with face detection , mandatory vacation and this help you.Thanks Ihab

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Director of IT in IT Services5 months ago
We evaluate third-party API security through comprehensive risk assessments, focusing on authentication protocols, data encryption, and vendor compliance.
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