What customer focus initiatives are you building into your 2025 planning? If you're not including a customer focus component, why not?

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VP of Supply Chain in Transportation13 days ago
My response is broader and more general across industries, based on conversations I have had with C-Suite leaders, strategic planning workshops, and practical experience following industry trends. 

Consistently, more clients are fine-tuning their KPIs to better monitor and measure customer experience in real time. Adopting predictive analytic capabilities to take historical data and forecast demand fluctuations is becoming a significant priority. Which influences customer experience, customer retention, and customer acquisition. It is also a better way to plan for NPIs via sales and marketing campaigns to better source raw materials and manage production cost.

I have also witnessed more strategic discussions centered on Brand loyalty and leveraging multiple marketing channels to bolster brand reputation. Another key initiative is navigating the balance between brick-and-mortar locations to driving more ecommerce traffic. 

Every industry and each company have its own nuances that will inform customer initiatives. I believe speed and reliability of supply chain network is a consistent driver in how customer-centric strategies are formulated.
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VP of Supply Chain10 days ago
We conduct an annual NPS, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Effort Survey (all inluded in single survey which can be completed is less than 10 min).  We analyze the results to guide where we ill point effort and resources to drive improvement. We also benchmark our activity versus industry trends which further guides our activity.  Artificial Intelligence, customer portal, CRM, etc... are all areas that we believe can provide further benefit.   Bottom line is to ask your customers what they VALUE, what you do well, what you do not do well, what their best suppliers do well (it may not necessarily be one of your direct competitors) and determine if you can deliver in the noted areas AND get a return for the investment on your end.

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