Who is currently using Open Telemetry at scale? Looking for information on how mature the Open Telemetry tool is for utilization at an enterprise scale. They have good information on which vendors have integrated & the contributions to the project also seem to be the major players. Trying to gauge the maturity level of the framework & if it is ready for enterprise level adoption.

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C-PIO in Softwarea year ago
I am not using it at scale. But have investigated the use to some length. The promise of data everywhere is enticing. I feel full maturity is still a little way of. Though what solutions are available, offer good amounts of information it will only get better with maturity.
CTO in Transportationa year ago
We use open telemetry to send all our data to our log aggregation and performance analysis tools. One of the main benefits we observed is that many vendors and solutions are now compatible with open telemetry what it will allow you to "easily" change vendors when/if needed.
VP of IT in Softwarea year ago
We are not using Open Telemetry.
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Senior Enterprise Architect, Application Consulting in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
We use and support Open Telemetry, as well as open-source tracing tools such as Jaeger and Zipkin.  It's fair to say that major platform vendors like Oracle and AWS support Open Telemetry, as do major observability platforms like Splunk.  Certainly the acceptance of hybrid and multicloud infrastructures is contributing to Open Telemetry's importance.
VP of Engineering in Retail6 months ago
We are using OpenTelemetry for Distributed Tracing in different technology stacks. We also use Dynatrace for analysis and visualisation. We see more and more implementation in software products. On our poly cloud / SaaS journey we see that a a key framework to archive our observability goals and measure our SRE metrics.

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