We’re currently trying to decide whether to implement DocuSign or Adobe — what are the pros and cons of each tool, from your perspective? What things are most important to consider when sourcing electronic signature solutions, especially for a B2B organization?

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Director of IT2 months ago
Great question, not used and evaluated many services for electronic signature, however Docusign is promising, easy to implement and use.
Adobe business model is different they are more of the platform provider than service.
I recommend to go with Docusign if you have to choose between 2.

Integration with local and global regulated party(i.e. Aadhar in india) is most important. Multiple options of authentication, cost and security to look for.
Director of IT2 months ago
I will caution that DocuSign can be very pricey.  Make sure you factor in the financial side of any decision.
CISO/CPO & Adjunct Law Professor in Finance (non-banking)2 months ago
It depends upon your use case. A tool that is good for combining electronic documents may not be the best for providing a streamlined method for collecting electronic signatures. Different goals.
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Global Chief Cybersecurity Strategist & CISO in Healthcare and Biotech2 months ago
In my experience, although Adobe Sign does offer electronic signature capabilities, DocuSign is particularly well-suited for businesses looking to streamline document management and automate workflows. because of it's specialized features and extensive integration options.
Director of Legal2 months ago
Adobe & DocuSign both provide very good solutions for electronic signature solutions.

I would recommend looking at it from a needs-based review instead of the straightforward pros and cons comparisons.

Here are my suggestions …

Understand what your business needs and the respective costs to budget are:

> Projections based on budget and costs:
      - Number of envelopes/documents/signatures
      - Number of API calls
      - Number of users (charged per user or enterprise-level license)
> API integrations (Native or cross-platform APIs)
> Applications and integrations available (e.g. Microsoft Office, Google Workspace, iOS/Android)


Data management and document repository:

> Regional/country related cross-border data flows
> Data sovereignty and/or data residency requirements (e.g. cloud vs on-premise)
> Containerized document management requirements

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IT Manager in Construction5 days ago
I had a look and it seems available for free can be easily find European and global market but there are a bunch of company with commercial reports for UK. I will search more.
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