What content do you find to be most impactful for your sales organization to differentiate their offering and win more new business?

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Senior Competitive Intelligence Director in Software2 months ago
Customer-facing competitive positioning:
-business document: unique outcomes/benefits that our solution delivers and that competitors cannot match
-technical document: technical side by side comparison showing the unique capabilities of our solution with some details (focus on the capabilities that substantiate the unique benefits in the business document)

Sales love customer-facing docs so that they do not have to create them themselves, saving them time (and ensuring message consistency across Sales)
VP of Marketing2 months ago
Content developed by a 3rd party source, not internal marketing, which highlights the value of our technology, the ROI and other benefits achieved after deployment, and to have this insight/data come directly from a current customer following their deployment of our technology.  In short, an ROI Case Study or Value Case Study.

Sales teams need to be armed with factual data and details from real-world customers who have selected their solution vs a competitor's solution, and have the data to prove/back-up their claims as to what they should expect...ROI is a mathematical equation, not a "thought-leadership" piece or an "opinion-based" piece of sales/marketing content.
VP of Marketing in Software2 months ago
When it comes to driving an opportunity, our most powerful marketing tool is probably the case study including ROI. The more a case study resonates with an opportunity (eg. the same organization size, industry or region), the more efficient it usually is.

In early stages of an opportunity and even when turning a lead into an opportunity, third-party listings, reviews and analyst coverage is quite helpful as well as it helps build initial trust in a vendor. However, most of the time, this comes with a price tag.
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Founder and Head of Sales in Services (non-Government)2 months ago
Great question. The top sellers I coach know that it's less about the content and more about the conversation. Average sellers lose deals because their prospects see them as predictable and not memorable. Top sellers have mastered what I call the new ROI: Return on Interactions. They know how to go from losing money to making money in every conversation. The biggest problem that average sellers face is that they create unnecessary resistance and friction with the prospect because they are unaware of the motivations and drivers of the person they are interacting with. The clues to unlock the lead are all there in plain sight, you just have to know where to look. The more you can have your sellers coached on self-awareness, behavioral science, and psychology, the more effective they will be in their conversations.  Focusing here instantly differentiates your sellers from the masses of sales people saying the same things in the same ways to the same prospects. Focusing here always leads to bigger pipelines and quicker sales cycles.
Founder in Services (non-Government)a month ago
Detailed white papers, well-crafted case studies, interactive live webinars with Q&A and anything that can help to establish thought leadership in the space, is usually impactful.

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