With companies thinking about moving from a 5-day work week to a 4-day work week, do you feel the supply chain function can make this shift? Please share your pros/cons.

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CEO in Consumer Goodsa year ago
There are some aspects of Supply chain that can operate in a 4-day work environment. Strategic Sourcing, Procurement Operations, and Analytics. But from my perspective, the core of the supply chain function is based in Transportation, Warehousing, and Manufacturing. Those functions very rarely take a day off, and have become more 24/7 over the years, not less. 

So I'd say that IF the supply chain function can make that shift, the bigger problem to solve is how to ensure 24/7 coverage on a 4-day work schedule. 

One schedule I have seen is 3 days on, 3 days off. 4 days on, 4 days off. 12 hour shifts. There are others that could work as well. 
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CIO in Governmenta year ago
Given the backlog that still exist and the potential demand that will continue, I don't believe moving from a 5 day work week to a 4 day work week would be beneficial at this time. With the backlog, the 4 day work week may create additional overtime budget with the cost increase passed on to the customers/consumers.  

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