The cloud vendor bill is just line items on compute/storage/network spend. Are there tools to go beyond the surface and help understand the costs, and optimize cloud consumption? (Note this is not a question of cost saving in the cloud, I have seen the Q&A on that topic in the forums).

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CTO in Healthcare and Biotech3 years ago
Have you tried reaching this cloud vendor's customer service?

We use AWS, recently I'd had a meeting with them and they gave me really good pointers to decrease the costs ( Up to 60% so far ). 

I strongly recommend you contact them, it might help you.
Director of Technology Strategy in Services (non-Government)3 years ago
Would cloud monitoring be the focus for you here? If so, there are some options available for you such as here 20 Best Cloud Monitoring Tools & Services [2021 Comparison] - Sematext

These are only going to be as good as how they are configured though, so it would be helpful to have someone around who knows what they are doing.
Director of Data Science in Healthcare and Biotech3 years ago
We use, to both control the security of our cloud environment as well as cost monitoring. It allows users to use AWS with guardrails and security best practices as well as assessing whether resources aren't being fully utilized.
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Vice President of Information and Security in Manufacturing3 years ago
Additional tools to dive below the cloud surface line items would be monitoring, SLAs, KPIs, etc. As a CIO or Technical Director, you'll want to ensure that as part of any service you have access to these types of tools to evaluate the effectiveness of the line items being expensed for. Having the ability to utilize these types of tools allows the CIO to provide ROI, justification cases, or evaluate compliance. These days there are a few of the areas that are required to document and report back to the organization to provide a value add.
CIO in Software3 years ago
We use AWS and there are quite a few tools that we use case on case. For lambda, I extensively use their optimizer. For EC2, I use monitor and loads. There are quite a few vendors (like Dash) which offered us to provide a consolidated view, however our DevOps team developed scripts using BOTO which detects low usage and less usage times and shut down servers, RDS is comparatively high item cost which I am yet to get a handle on how to reduce bills. However our internal project (called OPtimized Infrastructure Utilization Management - OPIUM) resulted in our bills down by 70%. My dev teams are building an ELK based in house solution. Serves our purpose

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