What are the biggest hurdles to securely managing cloud environments?

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Managing Director in Finance (non-banking)3 years ago
I used to believe in the good Sun Microsystems saying that the network is the computer—don't care about the endpoints, secure the darn network and we'll all be safe. But in today's world of cloud and hybrid and who knows where your edge compute devices are sitting, how do you secure the network? Is it even possible?

When all of this great connectivity and capability got created, there weren't billions of devices. It was more like thousands of devices, maybe tens of thousands of devices. So all the protocols that were created all had an underlying element of trust: We trust you won’t do anything malicious with these protocols. 40 years later, the same protocols are still there. Whether it's any version of SNMP, TCP/IP, HTTP—we add an “s” to it, but those were all inherently insecure when they were created. They've been patched together and we haven't replaced them with anything robust, which is now creating this massive problem. The next vector within our homes is IoT, but our personal devices as well, as we walk into an enterprise, are an interesting attack factor.
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CEO in Manufacturing3 years ago
I don't see any other way to manage the scale except having some type of cognitive AI that will be constantly learning. We've got to have AI that will be combating AI. Because think about all the holes they’re looking for—the basics of DDoS attacks are to set up a bunch of things and hit. Now think about all the ways from a security standpoint they will attack, what are they going to do? It's a daunting issue. And it's at every layer of the stack, not just in cloud, as far as what's being leveraged in that way.

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