What is the best way to enforce data privacy without impeding future innovation?

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Fellow at CodeX, The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics & Generative AI Editor at law.MITa year ago
Consider implementing a "Privacy Innovation Challenge" within your organization. Encourage employees to come up with innovative solutions to protect data privacy while fostering technological advancements. Offer incentives, such as recognition or rewards, for creative ideas that successfully strike the balance between privacy and innovation. This approach not only engages your team in actively thinking about privacy solutions but also taps into the collective intelligence of your workforce, potentially uncovering unique and effective strategies for data protection that might not have been considered otherwise.
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Group Director of Information Security in Banking2 months ago

Hi Olga
That was an interesting viewpoint. Can you share an example of an interesting aspect you may have come across previously unknown to you , post having conducted such a challenge with your staff?

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Chief Privacy Officer in Finance (non-banking)7 months ago
The sooner privacy is embedded in projects, the easier it is to comply. So, first you should adopt the "Privacy by Design" principle.
Then, privacy regulations are not YES/NO type, they are risk-based. So, building a prepare risk assessment methodology may help balance the innovation VS privacy rights/requirements.
Last, privacy team should never say no to projects, instead, they should talk with the business to develop option that maintain innovation while still being compliant (in accordance with your risk appetite).

Hint: use anonymization as much as possible, this gets you out of any privacy concerns.

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