Benefits and Drawbacks of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) - What is your take on BYOD? My Benefits:  1. Cost savings for the organization  2. Increased employee satisfaction  3. Greater flexibility in work location and hours  My Drawbacks:  1. Inconsistency in device performance and compatibility  2. Legal and compliance challenges  3. Security concerns... 

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CTO in Bankinga year ago
There’s an expectation that staff will be able to use BYOD so up to us as organisational leaders to set clear guidance as to how and when they should be used.
+ reduction in number of staff devices (e.g. for staff who work across a number of client projects and have a dedicated laptop for each)
- scope for data leakage in a perimeter outside of IT security control
+ with MDM (mobile data management) there should be a good compromise between user convenient and IT security
CIO in Services (non-Government)a year ago
My main concerns center around the fact that most BYOD devices are used for personal use as well as our business use, and that is inherently unsafe.  Questionable browsing habits, spyware, drive-bys, ransomware, using on unprotected, unsecured free Wi-Fi networks, the list is frightening.
We have HIPAA and GDPR regulatory compliance to deal with, along with a few other regulatory issues, and quite frankly, if I could mandate using company only, mirror imaged devices, I would.
Director of IT in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
In healthcare, BYOD does pose risks due to the concern for HIPPA and other regulations. I've attempted to solve this by offering stipends to certain employees but that's not a magic wand that'll work everywhere. It makes sense to offer both depending on the users, business leaders and technology teams understanding the benefits of a BYOD model. Whereas home health care, clinical units and others may need an MDM device instead. 
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Chief Information Technology Officer in IT Servicesa year ago
Greater flexibility in work location and hours 
Director in Manufacturinga year ago
We found very low interest in people picking up the cost of being considered "Always available".  I think it's partially a corporate culture issue.  Many people would state they didn't like carrying both a persona and corporate device, but would not agree to the terms the company set.  The sticking points were on Zero Liability or Warning to wipe the device, Zero allowance for any reimbursement of any kind, and no payment for international travel coverage.  Less that 5% of our mobile population has adopted BYOD for phones.  I think if the company were to pay each employee an extra $30 a month they could probably get BYOD to 50% or better, but the zero tolerance and zero money killed the concept out of the gate.   We do have contracts with the USA government and many people work on confidential projects so legal and compliance are always top of mind for every IT offering.  
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Co-Founder in Services (non-Government)a year ago

What about laptops ? 

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VP of IT in Retail3 days ago
If you have a full Gartner license, they have a benchmarking tool that maps out to your industry.  It was useful for my needs.
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